Latest developments in foreign welding technology (3)

A newly developed welding torch system for plasma arc welding uses a reverse polarity electrode and a 100~200A welding current to economically and efficiently weld aluminum parts with good welding quality. Welding tests on various aluminum-magnesium alloys have shown that fusion and keyhole welding techniques can be used when welding 2 to 8 mm sheets.

Plasma arc welding using a variable polarity keyhole technology for welding circumferential welds, such as AlMg3 pipes, flanges, and GK-AlSi7Mg chilled alloys, can be used to make 8mm wall thickness materials. No groove butt weld connection. Finishing of the circumferential weld can be done without defects using the newly developed special gas control system. Since the pores are generated only on one side of the casting, the atomic hydrogen content of the molten metal of the casting is determined. If the hydrogen content of the molten metal in the casting is less than 0.3 mL/100 g, the weld produces few pores. The total length of the weld to be repaired by this method can reach 39m, accounting for 27.2% of the length of the entire weld.

Under the conditions of research and development of the most modern power supply and control technology, plasma arc welding technology is the best quality, cost-effective and repeatable connection process. In addition, by adjusting the current, it is ensured that the sensor system that generates the keyhole when the thick plate plasma arc butt joint is welded, the conductive molten pool support is insulated from the material to be welded, and the current is measured by the charged frame when the plasma arc penetrates, and Move.

This new process has the following characteristics compared to TIG welding:

(1) The specific process advantages of plasma arc welding are not only mainly manifested in the thickness range of micro-plasma arc welding, but also involve the use of keyhole technology.

Applications include: surface surfacing, spraying and welding. By using a low-pulse welding current with an adjustable frequency, plasma arc welding can control the amount of arc energy in a better way, and can reliably monitor the execution of various setpoints with modern control systems. Transistor welding power supplies, such as the AUTOTIG series, can operate exactly as specified in the specifications.

(2) When welding thin plates and pipes with powder plasma arc welding, it has the advantages of fast welding speed, small heat input and small deformation.

(3) In plasma arc welding, the advantages of the keyhole technology are also clearly demonstrated in the welding of materials with a thickness of 10 mm.

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