Aluminum buckle buy tips

Aluminum buckle buy tips

After more than ten years of development, the ceiling materials have been continuously updated. Gypsum board, sauna board, and PVC have emerged. The aluminum buckle board has emerged as an outgrowth and has monopolized the market. However, there are too many products in the aluminum buckle board market. When buying, it is easy to be enslaved, and there are many pitfalls in buying, so we must pay special attention.

Aluminum plate thickness

There are various thicknesses between 0.5 and 0.8 mm on the market. A lot of sales will boast about you. Your own aluminum buckle is very thick and very good. In fact, the quality of the aluminum buckle is not entirely based on the thickness. As long as the flexibility of aluminum is good, 0.6 mm is sufficient. 0.8mm aluminum buckle plate is generally used for engineering, because the aluminum buckle plate used for tooling is often very long, in order to prevent the middle drop, so choose a thick, and home improvement with aluminum buckle plate rarely more than 4 meters, 0.6 Millimeters is enough. In addition, do not trust when selling the thickness of your own aluminum gusset. It is best to find a vernier caliper and you will know.

Identify material quality tips

The key to the aluminum material of a good aluminum plate is good flexibility and strength. The method of identification is simple: Take an aluminum buckle plate and bend it by hand. The bad aluminum buckle plate will be easily bent and will not restore its original shape, but a good aluminum buckle plate needs to be bent. Take some effort, and after bending, it will rebound to a certain extent. This is the difference in toughness and strength between aluminum materials. A good aluminum buckle plate will not bend or fall in the middle after installation, ensuring smoothness.

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