Nowadays, in the decoration of homes, wallpapers are becoming more and more popular. Wallpapers have many advantages over traditional latex paints. They are various in personality, environmentally friendly, easy to clean, etc., but it is undeniable that many families will have moldy wallpapers after wallpapering, especially Southern family. Obviously, the cause of mold is not related to water. Let's talk about the reason why the wallpaper is moldy.
First of all, the reason why a large part of the wallpaper is moldy is not the problem of the wallpaper itself, but the reason of the wall. Many Chinese wall quality is not good, and it is prone to water seepage. PVC wallpaper has poor air permeability, and wallpaper glue is organic matter such as glutinous rice flour, so it is prone to mold. A good way to solve this kind of problem is to choose a good moisture-proof wallpaper base film.
There is also a kind of moldy reason, we are easy to ignore, that is, when the wallpaper is constructed, if the glue is not completely dry, there is a wind out of the wind or a large temperature difference between indoor and outdoor, and it is easy to cause the wallpaper to be drummed and later due to moisture and The long-term existence of air in the wallpaper, and the occurrence of mold. Therefore, the room after the wallpaper has just been paved should be closed, and dried. After 3 days of wallpapering, you should use a damp towel to gently wipe off the wallpaper glue remaining in the seams of the wallpaper. At this point, the entire room can be completely ventilated. This is related to the construction of the wallpaper, and there is also the possibility of not immersing the wallpaper in the water before the wallpaper is attached, otherwise it is easy to make the wallpaper moldy.
The problem of environmental humidity is also the cause of mildew, which mainly occurs during the southern rainy season. Even most people think that the southern weather like Guangdong Hainan should not be wallpapered. Actually, as long as we pay attention to the ventilation of the room, avoid the rainy season to wallpaper.
The above is to prevent the occurrence of mildew on the wallpaper, but what should I do if there is a mildew?
First of all, if there is a large area of ​​mold, the remedy is not enough to make up, then the best way is to replace the wallpaper as a whole. If the area is not very large, it is recommended to wipe with soapy water or detergent. If not, wipe it with a cloth dampened with alcohol. If it is not too serious, remove the mold by rubbing it two or three times. Another method of removing mold is to use bleach. However, it is easy to irritate the skin, so be sure to wear rubber gloves when using it, and use water to clear it. Some people may worry that bleach does not dare to use it, fearing that the original color will be removed. That can be treated with some special anti-mold agents for wallpaper that deal with wall mold spots.
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