Application method and dosage of commonly used trace element fertilizer

The application of trace element fertilizer can increase crop yield and improve quality, but it should not be too much. Otherwise, the crop is easy to be poisoned, which also affects crop yield and quality, and also causes environmental pollution, causing some local and human diseases. The range of many trace elements from the lack to the right amount is quite narrow, so when applying trace element fertilizers, it is necessary to master the dosage, neither too much nor too little. The application methods and dosages of several commonly used trace element fertilizers are described below.
First, the diffuse type First dissolve the micro-fertilizer into a certain concentration of aqueous solution, and then soak the seeds, and in a certain period of time, borrow the process of water absorption and expansion of the seeds, inhale the trace elements into the seeds, and dry them to be sown. Note that the water used to dissolve the fertilizer must be clean.
Second, soaking the roots First dissolve the micro-fertilizer into a certain concentration of aqueous solution, and then soak the roots of the crop plants, let the trace elements enter the plant through the roots within a certain soaking time.
3. Roots of the roots Mix with the appropriate amount of micro-fertilizer and phosphate fertilizer, and evenly attach to the roots of the plants. The root method is generally used for southern rice seedlings.
4. Base Fertilizer Mix a certain amount of micro-fertilizer with fine dry soil or fine slag fertilizer, and apply it to the ground before the crop is planted. Since the micro-fertilizer is generally used in a small amount and should not be applied in depth, it should be applied in a timely and appropriate amount according to the characteristics of the crop fertilizer.
5. Topdressing Mix a certain amount of micro-fertilizer with fine soil or proportionally to water in the crop growth period. Paddy fields can be removed after mixing with fine soil, and can also be applied to water; dry land is generally applied to dry manure or manure, and can be applied by ditch or strip.
6. Spraying A certain amount of micro-fertilizer is sprayed on the crop growth phase in proportion to water and into a certain concentration of solution. Spray the water to be cleaned, and pay attention to the mixing; spray time should be in the absence of dew, if there is dew, the fertilizer is not easy to adhere to the leaves of the crop and easy to be diluted; it should not be sprayed at the hot noon, due to the midday sun Light intensity, rapid evaporation, easy to cause burns and unfavorable absorption, it is best to spray after 4 pm, when the temperature drops, the leaves are dry, the fertilizer is easy to adhere, after a night, the nutrients can be better It is absorbed by crops and has a good effect.
VII. Application amount 1. Zinc fertilizer The amount of base fertilizer per 667 m 2 is generally 1~2.5 kg, and the topdressing weight is about 1 kg per 667 m 2 , and the soaking concentration is 0.02%~0. 05%, which is subject to dip. Rice soaking was immersed for 24 hours with an O.1% concentration. It is advisable to mix 2~6 grams per kilogram of seed dressing. The foliar application concentration is 0.1%~0.2%, and the liquid volume per 667 m2 is 25~50 kg.
2, boron fertilizer Boron fertilizer generally refers to borax or boric acid, can be used as roots or soaking seeds, the general concentration is 0.01% ~ O.1%.
3, molybdenum fertilizer Seed dressing 1 ~ 2 grams per kg of seeds, need to be evenly mixed; soaking solution concentration of 0.05% ~ O.1%, soaking 6 ~ 12 hours; foliar spray concentration of 0.05% ~ 0.01%.
4. When manganese fertilizer is used as base fertilizer, the dosage is 1-2 kg per 667 m 2; the seed dressing amount is 2~4 g per kg seed; the soaking concentration is O.05%~O.1%; the foliar spraying concentration is O.05 %~O.1%, 30~50 liters per 667 m2 of liquid.
5, iron fertilizer Iron fertilizer applied to the soil is not good, so the general use of foliar spray, the concentration of 0.2% ~ 0.1%. In addition, some organic integrated irons also have good effects, such as a concentration of 1% urea iron and 200 times dilution of iron diamine humic acid.
6, copper fertilizer can be used for seed dressing, 0.6 ~ 1.2 grams of copper sulfate per kg of seeds; soaking concentration of 0.01% ~ 0.05% copper sulfate solution; foliar spray concentration of 0.02% ~ 0.05% copper sulfate solution.

Handan Agricultural School, Hebei Province, Li Yu Road (056001)
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