ITC final investigation stage main schedule

The US Department of Commerce’s on-site verification of Chinese companies has come to an end – verification of our US companies will also end this Friday. There is still a major job at the end, which is to fill out the questionnaire for the final phase of the ITC survey. The questionnaire needs to be submitted on March 13.
The final phase of ITC's investigation began on December 29, 2005. The important agenda for the coming months is summarized below for reference:
On March 13th, the responding parties submitted the ITC answer sheet. On May 2, ITC completed the “Pre-Hearing Report” (non-public version).
On May 9th, the responding parties submitted the "Pre-Hearing Statement Summary"
May 15th DOC dumping margin final ruling May 16th ITC held a hearing May 23rd responded to the parties to submit a "post-hearing statement summary"
On June 5th, ITC completed the final report. On June 9th, ITC disclosed the information that all parties have not commented. The last opportunity for the parties to submit information comments on June 13th. On June 16, ITC voted on “damage problem” on June 28th. ITC issues "damage problem" ruling July 5 DOC promulgates anti-dumping tax order

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