Feng Shui at home is part of feng shui research. Letters and unbelievers are all up to you. You may wish to use the following points in the bathroom renovation process.
 Anwar bathroom     Wrigley bathroom  Â
(1) Toilets are not allowed to reach the door.
(2) Not at the gate.
(3) Not in the middle of the house.
(4) Beds cannot be washed.
(5) Toilet doors are not allowed on kitchen doors.
(6) The toilet cannot be in the room upstairs.
(7) Cannot be behind God's position.
(8) Exhaust fans should be installed to keep it dry.
(9) Can not be in the Wenchang position of the house, it will defile Wenchang.
(10) Toilet doors must not face the desk.
(11) Toilets should have more indoor plants or natural spices.
(12) The floor of the toilet must not be higher than the floor of other rooms.
Home Feng Shui Decoration Feng Shui Bathroom Feng Shui Room Feng Shui House Interior Decoration Home Kitchen Door House Feng Shui Toilet Door House Bathroom Door Decoration Home
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