Scientists propose charged nano-carbon technology: can improve the removal of toxic heavy metals in sewage

According to foreign media reports, the presence of toxic metals in industrial wastewater makes wastewater treatment a difficult task. These contaminated liquids can contaminate the groundwater supply for years or even decades. In response, scientists at Nagoya University in Japan proposed a new technology that uses charged nano-carbides to achieve more effective filtration of heavy metal ions.

Nano-carbide is a tiny carbon-based material. It can combine with heavy metal ions such as lead and mercury through molecular force, so it shows very good development potential in water purification applications. However, this adsorption force is very weak, so scientists at Nagoya University tried to find a way to increase this force. So they thought of adding some molecules such as amino groups that can form a stronger chemical bond with the metal to the nano carbide. The research team investigated this possibility. They used phenol as a carbon material and mixed it with a compound called APTES as an amino group.

These ingredients were placed in a glass container and exposed to high-voltage current for more than 20 minutes, and finally the amino groups were evenly distributed on the surface of the nanocarbon.

Nagahiro Saito, a material scientist at Nagoya University, said: "Our one-step method can promote the combination of amino groups on the inner and outer surfaces of porous carbon nanotubes. This greatly increases their adsorption capacity compared to nanocarbon itself."

Subsequently, the research team tested this nano-carbide in experiments and compared its performance with other carbides produced by traditional methods. Among them, the adsorption capacity of charged nano-carbon is the highest. In another experiment, the research team conducted 10 adsorption cycles of nano-carbides and metal ions such as copper, zinc, and cadmium, and found that although the performance of nano-carbides is decreasing every time, the decrease is very small This indicates that the nano-carbide is highly reusable.

Saito said: "Our treatment can help reduce the cost of water purification, thereby bringing us closer to achieving the goal of safe and affordable drinking water for all by 2030."

Related research reports have been published in "ACS Applied Nano Materiasl".

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There are 2 optical switches for operation. The SET and SELECT optical switches are used to navigate the transmitter display. To activate an optical switch, move your finger 1~2mm over the optical switch close to the glass.

1. The display will timeout without any operation in 5 min.
2. During numbers input, the decimal point will come up automatically if the first digit is 0; if not 0, please activate SELECT until decimal point shows up.

The general operation is listed as follows.

On Main Interfaces

Activate SET to alternate mass and volume values.

Activate SELECT to alternate main interfaces.

Long activate SELECT to go to Setup Interface.

Long activate SET for total reset.

Back to Main Interface

Long activate SET & SELECT at the same time.

Select Submenu, Parameters & Numbers

Activate SELECT to select the submenu, parameters or numbers.

Activate SET to go to submenu or save parameters/numbers.

Save setup

Long activate SET to save the modified setup.

Back or Exit

Long activate SELECT.

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