WHO publishes "General Knowledge of Biotechnology (GM Food)"

The application of modern biotechnology in the food industry presents new opportunities and challenges for human health. Potential benefits to the public health component include changing food nutrients, reducing potential allergens, and increasing the efficiency of food production systems. On the other hand, through the production of consumer foods through genetic modification, the potential effects of this mode of production on human health must be rigorously tested. If modern biotechnology can truly become a means to increase our production of food, it must pass a thorough assessment. The original idea was to look at all relevant issues in this field with the perspective of consumers without cognitive capabilities in this area. This trend is superficial. Consumers should be noticed and informed.

Future developments in this area will enable the WHO to work in four major areas:

A. Establishing a scientific safety assessment framework based on sound science

Food produced from modern biotechnology needs to promote the establishment of a sound safety and risk assessment framework. In addition to its inclusion in the Codex Intergovernmental Task Force on Foods Derived from Biotechnology, the WHO will propose principles and guidelines for addressing new issues on a sound science basis.

B. A standard method for the development of nutritional safety assessments for foods made from modern biotechnology

It is necessary to improve the nutritional assessment of new foods produced by modern biotechnology. In fact, it is the special nutritional traits of new foods. We need to have a new emphasis on nutritional assessment of new modern biotech foods. In fact, these ideas are already part of FAO/WHO expert consultations on modern biotech foods, but it is necessary to increase their impact. This influence should be applied to other government forums, such as the OECD for new types of food.

C. Link risk assessment with risk management and communication

Domestically and internationally, linking risk assessment expenditures with the role of risk management and exchange is an effective mechanism and method. For the role of risk communication at the planning stage, new thinking of consumers and other parties concerned should be further strengthened. The experience gained in this area should also be used for other aspects of food safety.

D. A broader perspective on health and development policies

New foods developed through modern biotechnology are not always considered to be in the "public interest." These new products have potential health or product benefit risk points, and developing country products can change this view. These products require a more comprehensive assessment to find changes in all aspects of these products (health benefits, nutrition, safety, development, socio-economic systems, etc.). In the preparation of this work, WHO needs to strengthen cooperation with other partners. These cooperations are not only technical issues in related fields such as production efficiency and safety assessment; they also need to recognize how modern biotechnology can produce foods to meet the needs of developing countries.

With English text:

General information about biotechnology (GM foods)

The application of modern biotechnology to food production presents new opportunities and challenges for human health. The potential benefits to the public health sector include altering the nutrient content of foods, decreasing their allergenic potential, and improving the efficiency of food production systems. On the other Hand, the potential effects on human health of the consumption of food produced through genetic modification must be carefully examined. Modern biotechnology must be thoroughly awarded if it is to bring about a true improvement in our way of producing food .The tendency to clearly all concerns In this area as a problem of perceptions originating in the consumers incapacity to understand is simplistic. In stead the consumers right to be concerned as well as to be should should be acknowledged.

The future developments in this area will focus WHO work in four major areas:

A. Establishing scientific safety assessment frameworks based on sound science

There is a need to facilitate the establishment of sound safety and risk assessment frameworks for foods derived from modern biotechnology. In addition to providing input to the Codex Intergovernmental Task Force on Foods Derived from Biotechnology, WHO will develop the principles and guidelines for addressing advanced issues Based on sound science.

B. Standardizing methods for nutritional aspects in safety assessments of food derived from modern biotechnology.

There is a need for an increased focus on nutritional assessments of new foods derived from modern biotechnology and in fact from novel foods in general with specific nutritional traits. These types of considerations are already part of the FAO/WHO Expert Consultations on food derived from modern Biotechnology, but a reduced effort is needed. This effort should be coordinated with efforts in other intergovernmental fora, such as the OECD Task Force on Novel Foods.

C. Linking risk assessments to risk management and communication.

New mechanisms towards at the planning stages of risk communication and need to be involved in the planning stages of risk communication and risk communication efforts. Developed. And the experience gained in this area could be used in other aspects of food safety.

D. The broader perspective of health and development policy

New industry with potential health or production benefits in developing countries could change this. Such products will need a more holistic assessment, looking Into all aspects of such production changes (health benefit, nutrition, safety, development and socioeconomical issues, etc). In preparation of this work there is a need for WHO to strengthen its collaboration with intersectoral partners. Such efforts would entail technical issues related to Such areas as production efficiency and safety assessments but also more general issues of how foods derived from modern biotechnology could be made useful in addressing the needs of developing countries.


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