Dogs also have to look at the character feng shui to see if you are suitable for the dog?

The society is indifferent and human beings are weak. Especially in the busy metropolis, raising a pet dog is a good choice for troubleshooting. I do not know how, some people keep dogs very easy to get sick, the original strong dog, will be bred thin, in addition, there are some people no matter what dog, they are very healthy, in addition to differences in feeding methods, is not Can you refer to it from the perspective of feng shui? What kind of person is suitable for keeping a dog, who is best not to raise? What kind of housing is suitable for dogs, what kind of housing is not suitable?

Who is not suitable for keeping dogs?

Among the characters, when one is born in winter, or when the character is extremely cold, it is necessary to give warmth by hot mud. The hot mud on the eight-character represents two animals: sheep and dog. In other words, eating mutton and keeping dogs can warm one person and make a person born in winter good luck. Born every year from November 8 to February 18, it is suitable for dogs. Dogs can bring warmth.

Born between May and August, or born from October 8 to November 7, people born in the four months of [巳, 午, 未 ]] and 戌 , , , , , , , , , , , , , This type of character is not suitable for keeping dogs and is not suitable for touching dogs. These people cannot make friends with dogs. There is another kind of life span. It was born in the month of the dragon. It was born from April 5 to May 5. Because of the birth in the Dragon Moon, there appeared in the Eight Characters [A], [BG], [ One of the five combinations of propanthel, [Dinger], and [Zewu] produces a good Syndrome. Generally speaking, this kind of person cannot keep a dog because the dog will destroy the dragon's biochemistry. Need to [Chen] to harmonize harmony, a dog, it will damage the Bureau.

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