Nowadays, many hardware sellers are accustomed to posting or replying to the community. Everyone knows that posting or replying can not only communicate with everyone, but also can promote their own hardware stores to increase their popularity. Why not do it? . However, posting or replying must achieve good results. It is really necessary to pay attention to tips for posting or posting. Here, the author summarizes a little bit of experience for everyone to share.
Hardware store marketing promotion alternative thinking: BBS promotion
First, choose the right forum
One of the forum's publicity campaigns is to choose a forum where their potential customers are located; the other is to select popular forums, but there are also drawbacks in the popularity of too much, because the postings are quickly overwhelmed by other postings. The third is to select forums with signature functions; the fourth is to select forums with link functions.
Second, choose a forum navigation URL
I have made a mistake before, that is, I don’t know what to do in those forums. It’s blind. In fact, if you want to advertise on many websites, you need to find a forum portal. For example, some forum navigation on some navigation websites is not only comprehensive but also convenient to use.
Third, there must be a problem
An embarrassing subject can make people think about it, it's easy to make people think about it, and give people a feeling of being able to hold a half face and face! This will inspire people's curiosity and it will naturally enter you. Theme, look at your stickers! Your clickthrough rate will be high! Of course, the title should be related to the content.
Fourth, the general content must be controversial
The content is not controversial, people are just looking at it, and rarely leave a few words! So the content must be controversial, the general rate of these content posted are higher!
Fifth, with the help of others' hot paste
It is not easy to create popular posts. However, we can look for some postings with high rates on the forums, get reposted in other forums, and add their own signatures at the end of postings to advertise or add advertisements for promotion.
Six, long hair
People who look at the general forums are impatient! Too long stickers, no matter how attractive it is, very few people can read it! So be sure to post short hair! How to put short hair it? Long paste Short hair is not to ask you to shorten the stickers as much as possible, but to divide a sticker into multiple stickers and send them in the form of stickers! Like a TV series, it is divided into multiple stickers! But remember that you should not exceed 7 stickers! Time is posted again so that others have the desire to wait. In addition, you can increase the popularity of postings.
Seven, advertising should be cleverly focused on the way
When posting, do not send advertisements at the outset. Such posts can be easily deleted as advertisements. What can you do? You can use long post short hair and post advertisements in the following posts. Generally, they will not be deleted. When a post has just been published, the moderator will generally check it. If there is advertising content at this time, it will generally be deleted. However, after a period of time, the original sticker is modified and the advertisement content is added again. This kind of success rate is required. Higher. You can also find some very popular forums and topics, prepare relevant advertisements in advance, and then quickly post these postings. When the moderators discover, there may already be hundreds of people visiting your site. If the account is sealed, change it for another day. Of course, posts should be relevant to the topic, and have links in the forum.
Eight, with a good picture and signature
Avatars can be specifically designed to promote their own brand, signatures can be added to their own website introduction and connection.
Nine, post request quality first
The posting does not care about the number of posts or the number of posts, and the quality of the posts is particularly important. Why? Because there are many messages, but the overall traffic is not so much, the key is to let more and more people see. Demystify your website. So the pursuit of the final flow. Therefore, sending high-quality posts and focusing on one point can take less effort and achieve better results. In addition, if your postings are of good quality, they may be reproduced by others.
Ten, using the post function
If you want to advertise in the post, be sure to fight for the top 5 posts, so that the probability of being browsed is higher, then you have to search for those posts that have just been published.
Eleven, appropriate top
In the forum, sometimes for the atmosphere and popularity of the post, you can find a proper support and help you to top it. Of course, you can also sign up for a few accounts yourself.
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