Identification of the advantages and disadvantages of compound fertilizer

Look at it firstly to see if it is double-layered, then look at the label on the label to indicate the trademark, production license number and other information, and finally look at whether the inner bag has a product certificate. If you do not use double-layer packaging or incomplete identification, it is very likely to be a fake product. When the farmer opens the inner bag, he must also check whether the particles of the compound fertilizer are consistent. If it is inconsistent, it is likely to be a fake product.

After grasping the hand and grabbing the compound fertilizer by hand, if there is a layer of grayish white powder on the hand and it has a sticky feeling, the fine white crystal can be seen in the granules, indicating that it is a high-quality product; if there is a layer of gray-black powder on the hand and No stickiness, no white crystals in the particles, it indicates that it is a poor quality product.

With the nose smell, the compound fertilizer generally has no odor. If there is an odor and the odor is heavy, it can be judged as a poor quality compound fertilizer. Such a compound fertilizer will cause burning of the seedlings after use, and the crops will be rejected, and the toxicity remains for a long time, which will affect the growth of the crops.

Water-soluble High-quality compound fertilizer has good water solubility, and most of it can be dissolved by immersion in water. Even if there is a small amount of precipitate, the precipitate is fine. The inferior compound fertilizer is more difficult to dissolve in water, and its residue is rough and hard.

Burn a small amount of compound fertilizer on the iron and burn it in an open flame. At this time, the ammonia odor indicates that nitrogen is contained, and the yellow flame indicates potassium. The thicker the ammonia smell, the yellower the yellow flame, indicating that the higher the nitrogen and potassium content, the better the compound fertilizer; on the contrary, the inferior compound fertilizer.

Author: Xu Mingli
Source: Henan Science and Technology News
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